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The legend of curative springs of water on the hillside above the river Labe near the village of Kuks lead Earl F. A. Sporck to have made an expert-opinion which confirmed the curative effects. This is why he started with the construction of spa Kuks in 1697. In 1701, he founded the hermitage of St. Franziscus near Stanovice, which became a connecting point between Kuks and Braun's Nativity Scene later on. On the left secular river bank there were spas, public houses, theatre, Hubert's valley and shooting grounds. On the right ecclesiastical river bank there was a hospital for old people, mainly for veterans of Turkish wars. Further there were a House of Philosophers, race-ground, hermitages and the Nativity Scene. After the death of Earl Sporck in 1738 and first of all after the flood in 1740, the spa gradually ceased to exist and only the hospital on the right river bank remains witness of the former great popularity of spa Kuks . The former spa converted step by step to an agricultural and industrial community. More detailed information you can see on website of Hospital Kuks or on the Official Website of Kuks village.


Cutout paper nativity scene


Thanks to the cut-out, you can now assemble the Braun's Nativity Scene yourself (dimensions approx. 70 x 27 x 21 cm). It is not known how the angels were placed in the cloud vault, so everyone can put together the arrangement of angels and clouds according to their imagination. A glued paper nativity scene can also be folded like an accordion for approx. 45 x 20 x 7 cm. The angel Gloria just slides in.

Braunův Betlém slaví 300 let


Špork a Krakonoš se potkají v Braunově Betlémě, oslaví 300 let od jeho založení Dne 18. srpna si připomeneme 300 let od založení Braunova Betléma. Oslava to bude velkolepá: pomocí živých obrazů a divadelních scének přímo v Braunově Betlémě se návštěvníci vrátí do doby hraběte Šporka. Tehdy, před 300 lety, se začalo v čerstvě zakoupeném Novém lese u Dvora Králové s budováním pousteven sv. Pavla a sv. Antonína, které byly základem Braunova Betléma, díla M. B. Brauna. Postavy v dobových kostýmech zahrají scénky z tehdejší doby. Na hodinové trase se bude odehrávat v kulisách Braunova Betléma několik divadelních zastavení. Do Braunova Betléma přijde podívat i Krakonoš, aby si spolu s hrabětem Šporkem připomenul ještě další výročí z roku 1729 kdy se hrabě Špork nechal i s křížem vynést na vrchol Sněžky. Vstupné: 120 Kč, děti zdarma Místo konání: Braunův Betlém u Kuksu (vstup od parkoviště u Hřibojed) Datum konání: 18. srpna od 14 do 17 hod. Prodej vstupenek: od 10. do 17. srpna v informačních centrech v Kuksu, Trutnově, Jaroměři a Dvoře Králové, Hotelu Pod Zvičinou, Lavender Kuks v den konání jen přímo v Kuksu (Lavender Kuks, informační centrum v Kuksu) přímo na místě

Purchase of New Forest celebration


On February 26, 2017 Purchase of New Forest celebration was held in Dvur Kralove nad Labem. The celebration reminds 300 years since the purchase of a new forest by Count Spork. On 26 February 1717, the council of Dvur Kralove nad Labem sold New Forest to count Sporck. Later there where founded sculpture Braun's nativity scene. To commemorate this anniversary, we repeated the arrival of Count Frantisek Antonin Spork at City Hall in Dvur Kralove town after exactly 300 years, in February 26, 2017 after 13:00 on T.G. Masaryk Square and in Old City Hall. Prestige was add the presence of Mr. Stephan Sweerts-Sporck, a descendant of Count Spork, who accepted the role of his famous ancestor. There was also present purkmistr Jan Kucera and all 16 councilors and other authentic characters, all in baroque costumes.

Exhibition in New Haven


In the days 21.11.2015 - 31.1.2016 the exhibition Joy to the world: Nativity scenes in Central Europe took place in New Haven, USA. On this show was also exhibited a plaster cast model of Braun's nativity scene. Model and photos of this significant cultural landmark had a chance to see a total of 12,245 visitors.

Extension of educational trail Kuks - Betlém


At the beginning of 2016 was opened educationsl trail Kuks - Bethlehem. The trail leads on the former road to Nativity scene sculptures - Bethlehem and Calvary from 1731 through the sites of former chapels and hermitages.

Christmas exhibition of nativity scenes


In days 30.11.2015 – 6.12.2015 at Old Town Hall in Dvur Kralove nad Labem was held a Christmas exhibition of nativity scenes organized by the children and youth center Jednička.

Cleansing of Adoration of the Magi


The cleansing of the Adoration of the Magi section of Braun's Nativity scene happened during the days 23th to 25th of September by the Faculty of Restoration of the Unversity of Pardubice in Litomyšl. Now the last uncleansed section of Braun's Nativity scene is the Vision of saint Hubert. There's a significant difference between the cleansed and uncleansed sections of the whole work.

Braun's Nativity scene at the Engineering Fair


The company MCAE Kuřim created through scanned data of wood carvings of Braun's Nativity scene an exact copy wood carvings of the 3D sandprint of the same size as the wood carvings. The model is made of foundry sand of dark-grey colour. This technique might be helpful in the future for the form preservation of decaying historical monuments. Sand models were exposed on the Engineering Fair 2015 in Brno.

Christmas exhibition in Hostinne town.


On December 2, 2014 was the opening of the Christmas exhibition in the Franciscan monastery in Hostinne town. The replica of Braun's Bethlehem of Mr. Leos Pryšinger has been exposed there.

Cleaning of Nativity scene


Between 13th and 16th of October 2014 there was a cleaning of part of Braun's Nativity scene by Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice in Litomyšl. On photos you can see significant difference between adjusted and unadjusted parts.

Admirers of Baroque


Mr. Wayne Wetton, tourist even from New Zeland, visited Braun's Nativity scene in early September. He showed admiration for the cultural memory and regret over its current state.

The launch of a new website


On 5/1/2014 we have launched a new website fully dedicated to the Braun's Nativity Scene – a rock monument in Novy Les near Dvur Kralove nad Labem. The website is operated by citizens association "Braunuv Betlem" and contains information about the history of the monument and attempts to rescue it. There is also additional information about the monument's wooden replica created by wood carver Leos Prysinger. In the gallery, you will find historical and current photos of the actual nativity scene together with the photos of the model.

Visit of Johan Dendorfer


On June 9, 2013, president of the World Federation of Friends of Cribs UN-FOE-PRAE Johan Dendorfer visited Dvur Kralove nad Labem. We visited Kuks, Braun's Nativity Scene, Dvur Kralove nad Labem and High School of sculpture and Stonemasonry in Horice.

Visiting birthplace of M. B. Braun


The birthplace of M. B. Braun can be found in the town of Sautens in Ötztal Valley in Austria. During our trip to World Congress of World Congress of World Federation of Friends of Cribs UN-FOE-PRAE, we visited Sautens and we were received by it's Mayor. We visited museum in Oetz and birthplace of M. B. Braun. The current owner is running a distillery of the local spirit Mathias Braun. Currently, local chapel in Sautens, where the museum of M. B. Braun will be situated, is under reconstruction.

World Congress of UN-FOE-PRAE in Innsbruck


In November 14 – 18, 2014, a World Congress of World Federation of Friends of Cribs UN-FOE-PRAE was held in Innsbruck, Austria. We have introduced our plan to revitalize Braun's Nativity Scene in Kuks